Having been a successful equity trader on Wall Street for 10 years I know charts. I relied on Technical Analysis for my decisions on both entry points as well as sell signals.To this day 35 years after starting in the business & 20 years after leaving trading I still study them learning that there is always more left to lear when it comes to the Capital Markets. One of my biggest problems with the Bitcoin Cultist is that they constantly make things up with no basis whatsoever on fact.

Bitcoin Cultist doppelgänger is Donald Trump.

I recently came across a blog which has a thread entirely based on the charts of Bitcoin.It was filled with calls on Bitcoin entirely based on the Technical Analysis of Bitcoin.

It was astonishing how absolutely dead wrong the Bitcoin Bafoons were when making calls on the latest pullback.

SANE GUY’s Analysis

Page 10 Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency) — TradingView

Bitcoin Cult Members Analysis

You could slide these 3 charts in front of anyone that studies charts – remove the securities name – and ask them which out of the 3 analysis’s above are correct

100 out of 100 would say the first analysis is spot on.

The other two? They would just shake their head and laugh.